Employee engagement: A job for HR?

Employee engagement is often seen as a responsibility of HR, and while they do play a crucial role, it frequently boils down to communication. Are your employees aware of the company's direction? Are their voices heard? How is employee feedback translated into action? Feeling included and valued is essential for employees to be happy and engaged.

A good initial step involves examining your employee base demographics and identifying their preferred methods of communication. Consider the following:

  • The workforce is increasingly composed of Gen Z (30% currently), and while more Millennials are moving into management, senior positions are predominantly held by Gen X (51%).

  • Women continue to be underrepresented in business leadership roles, holding only 38% of positions despite comprising 53% of the workforce.

Why do these demographics matter? Quite simply; the policies and communication methods you have in place may not quite be hitting the mark with your workforce, impacting your engagement levels. A strategy that seems effective to a male and Gen X dominated boardroom may not resonate with a workforce that has an equal gender distribution among a Gen Z and Millennial majority.

This is where Marketing can play a crucial role. Our expertise lies in crafting communications that appeal to specific audiences, which is equally applicable to employee communications. By collaborating with HR and other board members, I can discover what is most important to your employees and deliver an internal communications strategy that works for both your business and employees.

An engaged workforce brings many benefits. It leads to improved productivity, increased customer satisfaction, increased employee retention, healthier employees and an enhanced company culture.

Get in touch to find out how I can help.





Leadership Statistics 2024: Demographics and Development | TeamStage

Meet Your New Boss: Gen X | Psychology Today United Kingdom


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