A product is a product is a product?
But not yours, yours is a quality product. Which, nowadays is pretty much a given. With legislation and improved standards, quality has now become the norm.
But your product/company is industry leading. How exactly is it industry leading? Are you selling more than your competitors? And how do you know that? Yours is better than theirs…says who? Are you a trailblazer for the industry? How is that being recognised? And didn’t your competitor win industry awards last year, so are they not in fact leading the industry? This phrase soon sends me into a spiral!
But you are innovative… aren’t we all somehow? That’s why you have a business, because you have ideas and a product/solution that will somehow make a change to someone else’s business. The definition of innovation is a new method, idea or product. I find lots of ‘innovative’ solutions that aren’t actually all that new. That doesn’t mean though that people don’t want to buy them…
But you have data-driven technology... to be honest I’d be worried if you weren’t data-driven. 147 zettabytes of data are forecast to be generated in 2024 alone. If you weren’t using even a smidge of that somehow, then you really need to evolve with the times.
But you have business solutions… what solutions exactly? For all businesses? You can offer the same solution to a high street coffee shop as you can to a large data centre?
You offer turnkey solutions, bespoke products, the list goes on….
What exactly am I getting at here?
If you look at B2B websites and social posts (which I often do in my research) these phrases come up A LOT. What does that mean? Everyone is essentially offering the same thing.
I can find an innovative business solution instantly. But will that solution suit my business and fix the specific problems that I have?
The great thing is that because everyone offers innovative, industry leading, data-driven, bespoke and turnkey business solutions then it’s actually really easy to cut through this noise and stand out.
And that’s exactly what I help companies do. Get in touch to find out more and take your innovative, industry leading, data-driven, bespoke and turnkey product or solution to the next level.